Liberia Satellite Project (L-SAT) aims to lead Liberia's journey into space exploration and technological innovation, positioning Liberia as a leader within Africa and globally in aerospace research, satellite technology, and scientific discoveries.

We envision Liberia harnessing space technology to drive socioeconomic growth, enhance national security, and improve the quality of life for all Liberians. The Liberia Satellite Project (L-SAT) aims to:

  • Develop careers in space and innovation by inspiring and educating young Liberians in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

  • To enhance infrastructure and economic resilience, utilize space-based solutions for telecommunications, environmental monitoring, disaster response, agriculture, and urban planning.

  • Establish partnerships with international space agencies, universities, and technology institutions to establish Liberia as a respected player in the global space industry.

  • Enhance Liberia's scientific and industrial capabilities by developing regional expertise in satellite design, data analysis, and aerospace engineering, reducing dependency on external sources.

  • Ensure Liberia's sustainability and security by using satellite technology for climate change adaptation, resource management, and border surveillance.

Our vision is bold, but it is achievable with the support of our government, international partners, private investors, and Liberians themselves. Taking this exciting journey together will make our nation a better place.

Our Vision